Shahram Fardadvand is available at multiple locations.
Select the location where you would like to book an appointment.
Shahram Fardadvand, BAIST, SMIEEE (He, Him)
Educational Technologist | Centre for Teaching and Learning
Note: I'm available online and in-person. Please select the location from the drop down menu to find my availability.
Online Appointment: Please use your MacEwan ID to login to MS Teams application and I'll ping you before the meeting. Make sure that you are able to share your screen through MS Teams prior to our meeting.
In-person Appointment: Please bring your laptop with you for the appointment. If you have a desktop in your office and don't have a laptop, there is a spare laptop in my office that you can use it.
Shahram Fardadvand is available at multiple locations.
Select the location where you would like to book an appointment.