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mêskanâs Essentials: One-Stop Evening Session (In-person)

mêskanâs Essentials: One-Stop Evening Session (In-person) In-Person

Welcome to the mêskanâs Essentials: One-Stop Evening Session! This session is designed to be highly flexible and responsive to your needs by conducting a brief survey at the begining of the session that allows you to choose the topics most relevant to your teaching. The available topics include:

  • Organizing course content effectively
  • Creating and Marking Assignments
  • Creating and Marking Quizzes
  • Creating and Marking Discussion Forums
  • Using Gradebook
  • Other

Based on the collective choices of the participants, we will prioritize and focus on the areas that matter most to you. This approach ensures that the session is tailored to your specific interests, giving you hands-on experience with the tools you need most in your mêskanâs courses.


Please note that you must have an active MacEwan credential to be able to login to mêskanâs.

Location Map:

Wednesday, January 8, 2025
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Time Zone:
Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
MacEwan University
  Faculty     General     New Faculty (recommended)  
  Educational Technologies  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Shahram Fardadvand
Shahram Fardadvand


   Educational Technologist, BAIST, SMIEEE (He, Him)

Centre for Teaching and Learning

Appointment Booking

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